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Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity By Hunter Free Download

If you are looking for a comprehensive and authoritative guide on how to treat various hand and upper extremity problems, you might have heard of Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity by Hunter, Mackin & Callahan. This book is widely regarded as one of the best references for therapists and surgeons who deal with this complex and challenging area of practice.

Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity By Hunter Free Download

But what if you don't have access to this book or you can't afford to buy it? Is there a way to get it for free online? And if so, how can you make the most out of it?

In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will explain what Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity is, who are the authors behind it, how to get it for free legally and ethically, and how to use it effectively for your learning and practice.

By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of why this book is so valuable, how to get your hands on it (pun intended), and how to apply its knowledge to your own cases.

What is Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity?

Definition and scope

Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity is a two-volume book that covers all aspects of hand therapy, from surgical and non-surgical methods to evaluation and treatment techniques. It provides detailed information on anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, pathology, diagnosis, intervention, outcomes, and prevention of hand and upper extremity disorders.

The book is divided into six parts:

  • Part I: Basic Principles - covers topics such as wound healing, edema control, pain management, splinting, ergonomics, outcome measures, etc.

  • Part II: Tendon and Nerve Injuries - covers topics such as tendon repair and reconstruction, nerve repair and reconstruction, tendon transfers, nerve transfers, etc.

  • Part III: Fractures and Joint Injuries - covers topics such as fracture management, joint arthroplasty, joint arthrodesis, joint contractures, etc.

  • Part IV: Special Problems - covers topics such as vascular disorders, infections, burns, amputations, complex regional pain syndrome, etc.

  • Part V: The Shoulder - covers topics such as shoulder anatomy, biomechanics, evaluation, treatment, rotator cuff disorders, shoulder instability, etc.

  • Part VI: The Elbow - covers topics such as elbow anatomy, biomechanics, evaluation, treatment, elbow fractures, elbow instability, elbow contractures, etc.

The book also includes appendices on hand therapy terminology, hand therapy organizations, and hand therapy resources.

Benefits and goals

The main benefit of Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity is that it provides a comprehensive and up-to-date source of information on hand therapy that is based on evidence and experience. It helps therapists and surgeons to understand the complex and interrelated factors that affect the function and recovery of the hand and upper extremity. It also helps them to develop effective and individualized treatment plans that address the needs and goals of each patient.

The main goal of Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity is to help patients return to optimal function of the hand, wrist, elbow, arm, and shoulder. This means restoring or improving their range of motion, strength, sensation, coordination, dexterity, aesthetics, and quality of life. It also means preventing or minimizing complications such as stiffness, pain, infection, scar formation, nerve compression, etc.

Common conditions and injuries

Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity covers a wide range of conditions and injuries that affect the hand and upper extremity. Some of the most common ones are:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome - a condition caused by compression of the median nerve at the wrist that causes numbness, tingling, pain, and weakness in the hand.

  • Trigger finger - a condition caused by inflammation or thickening of the tendon sheath that causes the finger to lock or catch when bending or straightening.

  • Dupuytren's contracture - a condition caused by abnormal thickening and shortening of the palmar fascia that causes the fingers to curl into the palm.

  • De Quervain's tenosynovitis - a condition caused by inflammation or degeneration of the tendons that control the thumb movement at the wrist that causes pain and swelling at the base of the thumb.

  • Ganglion cyst - a benign fluid-filled sac that develops near a joint or tendon that causes a lump or bump on the hand or wrist.

  • Mallet finger - a condition caused by rupture or avulsion of the extensor tendon at the distal interphalangeal joint that causes the finger to droop at the tip.

  • Boutonniere deformity - a condition caused by rupture or avulsion of the central slip of the extensor tendon at the proximal interphalangeal joint that causes the finger to bend at the middle joint and straighten at the tip.

  • Swan neck deformity - a condition caused by imbalance or laxity of the ligaments and tendons at the proximal interphalangeal joint that causes the finger to bend at the tip and straighten at the middle joint.

  • Skier's thumb - a condition caused by sprain or tear of the ulnar collateral ligament at the metacarpophalangeal joint that causes pain and instability of the thumb.

  • Boxer's fracture - a fracture of the fifth metacarpal bone that causes pain and deformity of the little finger.

  • Colles' fracture - a fracture of the distal radius bone that causes pain and deformity of the wrist.

  • Smith's fracture - a fracture of the distal radius bone that causes pain and deformity of the wrist in the opposite direction of Colles' fracture.

  • Barton's fracture - a fracture-dislocation of the distal radius bone that causes pain and instability of the wrist.

```html the radius and ulna that causes pain and instability of the wrist and forearm.

  • Monteggia fracture - a fracture-dislocation of the proximal ulna and radius that causes pain and deformity of the elbow and forearm.

These are just some examples of the many conditions and injuries that Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity covers. The book also discusses less common but equally important topics such as congenital anomalies, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, tumors, infections, nerve compression syndromes, peripheral nerve injuries, brachial plexus injuries, spinal cord injuries, stroke, cerebral palsy, etc.

Who are Hunter, Mackin & Callahan?

Authors' background and expertise

Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity is written by a team of experts in the field of hand therapy and surgery. The book is named after its original authors: James M. Hunter, Evelyn J. Mackin, and Anne D. Callahan.

James M. Hunter (1925-2004) was a pioneer in hand surgery and a founding member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. He was a professor of orthopedic surgery at Harvard Medical School and a chief of hand surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital. He was also a president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand. He authored over 200 publications and received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to hand surgery.

Evelyn J. Mackin (1921-2015) was a pioneer in hand therapy and a founding member of the American Society of Hand Therapists. She was a physical therapist who specialized in hand rehabilitation and education. She was a director of hand therapy at Massachusetts General Hospital and a clinical professor of physical therapy at Boston University. She authored over 100 publications and received numerous awards and honors for her contributions to hand therapy.

Anne D. Callahan (1931-2009) was a pioneer in hand therapy and a founding member of the American Society of Hand Therapists. She was an occupational therapist who specialized in hand rehabilitation and education. She was a director of occupational therapy at Massachusetts General Hospital and a clinical instructor of occupational therapy at Tufts University. She authored over 50 publications and received numerous awards and honors for her contributions to hand therapy.

The current edition of Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity is edited by four leading authorities in hand therapy and surgery: Terri M. Skirven, A. Lee Osterman, Jane M. Fedorczyk, and Peter C. Amadio.

Terri M. Skirven is an occupational therapist who specializes in hand therapy and education. She is a director of hand therapy at The Philadelphia and South Jersey Hand Centers and a director of the Hand Rehabilitation Foundation. She is also a president-elect of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.

A. Lee Osterman is a professor of orthopedic and hand surgery at Thomas Jefferson University and a president of The Philadelphia and South Jersey Hand Centers. He is also a past president of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand.

Jane M. Fedorczyk is an associate clinical professor and director of post-professional clinical programs at Drexel University's Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences. She is also a past president of the American Society of Hand Therapists.

Peter C. Amadio is a Lloyd A. and Barbara A. Amundson Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Mayo Clinic. He is also a past president of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.

Book's history and editions

The first edition of Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity was published in 1978 by Hunter, Mackin & Callahan as Rehabilitation Of The Hand: Surgery And Therapy. It was one of the first books to integrate surgical and non-surgical approaches to hand therapy and to emphasize the importance of collaboration between therapists and surgeons. It was also one of the first books to use color illustrations and photographs to enhance the learning experience.

The second edition was published in 1984 as Rehabilitation Of The Hand: Surgery And Therapy with an expanded scope and content. It included new chapters on topics such as microsurgery, replantation, tendon transfers, nerve injuries, etc.

The third edition was published in 1990 as Rehabilitation Of The Hand: Surgery And Therapy with a revised structure and format. It reorganized the chapters into six parts based on anatomical regions and added new chapters on topics such as shoulder disorders, elbow disorders, etc.

The fourth edition was published in 1995 as Rehabilitation Of The Hand: Surgery And Therapy with an updated content and design. It incorporated the latest advances and research in hand therapy and surgery and added new chapters on topics such as outcome measures, ergonomics, etc.

The fifth edition was published in 2002 as Hunter, Mackin & Callahan's Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity with a new title and a broader scope. It extended the coverage to the entire upper extremity and added new chapters on topics such as vascular disorders, infections, burns, amputations, etc.

The sixth edition was published in 2011 as Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity with a new editorial team and a revised content and layout. It updated the information and evidence based on the current literature and practice guidelines and added new chapters on topics such as peripheral nerve injuries, brachial plexus injuries, spinal cord injuries, stroke, cerebral palsy, etc.

The seventh edition was published in 2020 as Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity with a new online platform and a enhanced multimedia features. It maintained the high quality and comprehensiveness of the previous editions and added new chapters on topics such as telehealth, robotics, prosthetics, etc.

Book's features and contents

Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity is a two-volume book that consists of 120 chapters written by over 200 experts from around the world. It has over 2000 pages of text and over 4000 illustrations and photographs. It also has an online access that provides additional resources such as videos, podcasts, cases, evidence, etc.

The book's features include:

  • A comprehensive and authoritative coverage of all aspects of hand therapy and surgery.

  • A multidisciplinary and collaborative approach that integrates surgical and non-surgical methods.

  • A practical and evidence-based approach that emphasizes evaluation, treatment, outcomes, and prevention.

  • A user-friendly and visually appealing design that enhances the learning experience.

  • An online access that provides additional resources such as videos, podcasts, cases, evidence, etc.

The book's contents include:


IBasic Principles1-16

IITendon and Nerve Injuries17-36

IIIFractures and Joint Injuries37-54

IVSpecial Problems55-78

VThe Shoulder79-94

VIThe Elbow95-120

Appendices: Terminology; Organizations; Resources

How to get Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity for free?

Legal and ethical issues

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Therefore, before you decide to download a pirated copy of Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity, you should ask yourself: is it worth it? Is it fair to the authors and publishers who have invested their time, money, and effort to produce this valuable resource? Is it fair to yourself as a learner and a practitioner who wants to benefit from the best and most reliable information available? Is it fair to your patients who deserve the best care possible?

If you value Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity as a resource, you should respect its authors and publishers as well. You should support their work by purchasing a legal copy of the book or accessing it through legitimate channels. This way, you will not only avoid legal and ethical issues, but also contribute to the sustainability and development of hand therapy and surgery as a field.

Online resources and platforms

If you are looking for a free access to Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity, you might be wondering: are there any legal and ethical ways to get it online? The answer is yes, there are some options that you can explore. However, they might not be as convenient or comprehensive as downloading a pirated copy of the book.

One option is to use online libraries that offer access to ebooks for free or for a fee. For example, you can check out your local public library's website and see if they have an ebook collection that includes Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity. You might need a library card or an account to access their ebooks. You might also need to download a special software or app to read their ebooks. You might also have to wait for your turn if the ebook is already checked out by another user. You might also have a limited time to read the ebook before it expires or returns automatically.

Another option is to use online platforms that offer access to ebooks for free or for a fee. For example, you can check out Google Books and see if they have a preview or a full view of Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity. You might be able to read some or all of the book online for free. However, you might not be able to download or print the book. You might also have to deal with ads or pop-ups that interrupt your reading experience.

A third option is to use online platforms that offer access to ebooks for a subscription fee. For example, you can check out Elsevier's ClinicalKey and see if they have Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity in their ebook collection. You might be able to read the book online or download it for offline reading. However, you might have to pay a monthly or annual fee to access their ebooks. You might also have to create an account and log in every time you want to use their service.

Tips and tricks

If you decide to use any of these online resources and platforms to access Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity, here are some tips and tricks that might help you:

  • Compare different options and choose the one that suits your needs and budget best.

  • Read the terms and conditions carefully and make sure you understand what you are agreeing to.

  • Check the quality and accuracy of the ebook and make sure it matches the latest edition of the book.

  • Use bookmarks, highlights, notes, and other features that can enhance your reading experience.

  • Back up your ebook files regularly and keep them safe from viruses and malware.

  • Respect the intellectual property rights of the authors and publishers and do not share or distribute your ebook files without permission.

How to use Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity effectively?

Reading strategies and tips

Once you have a legal and ethical access to Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity, you might be wondering: how can I use it effectively for my learning and practice? The answer is: it depends on your goals and preferences. However, here are some general reading strategies and tips that might help you:

  • Set a clear purpose and objective for your reading. For example, are you reading for general knowledge, specific information, or practical application?

  • Skim the table of contents and the index to get an overview of the book and its structure.

  • Scan the chapters and sections that are relevant to your purpose and objective. Look for headings, subheadings, summaries, key points, tables, figures, etc.

  • Read the chapters and sections that are relevant to your purpose and objective in depth. Pay attention to the details, examples, explanations, evidence, etc.

  • Review the chapters and sections that you have read and check your understanding. Use the questions, cases, evidence, videos, podcasts, etc. that are provided online or in the book.

  • Reflect on what you have learned and how you can apply it to your own cases. Use the practical applications and examples that are provided online or in the book.

  • Repeat the process as needed until you achieve your purpose and objective.

Practical applications and examples

Rehabilitation Of The Hand And Upper Extremity is not only a theoretical book but also a practical one. It provides many practical applications and examples that can help you apply its knowledge to your own cases. Here are some examples of how you can use the book for practical purposes:


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